Friday, April 1, 2011

Sad News

I believe I have spoken about Luis before. He is president of his town of Paragachi, about 100 families. He is 29 years old, makes beautiful weavings, and so on.  This morning, Jana and I were at the clinic and see Luis walk into the clinic, limping.  He made eye contact with us, but kept walking on his way.  We knew something was wrong because he usually comes up and greets us.  When we finally got a good look at him, his face was all swollen, scratchd, and bruised. Last night, he found some kids spraying graffitii on one of the buildings in Paragachi. He told them to stop, and they beat the crap out of him.  Terrible. He is one of the nicest, most calm, humble person I have met. When we asked if he faught back, he said no, he couldn`t because he is the president of his town and has to set an example.  Heart breaking.  So Jana and I tended to him while he waited 2 hours for his paper work. The kids that did it, minors, are in a juvinille jail in Ibarra, about an hour from here.  So after being up all night, waiting over 2 hours at the clinic, Luis had to ride for over an hour to Ibarra to talk to a lawyer to press charges against the kids.  They have apparently been causing trouble in Paragachi for awhile. Sad news.

Better news.  Jana and I went with our mom yesterday to look at this piece of property that her friend is selling in Pimampiro.  This piece of property is amazing. Tons of rooms, POOL, huge orchard.  Perfect place for an orphanage. Long story, but our other friend of course knows the family selling it as well, so he called for us and asked how much they wanted. They don`t know right now, but this place would be perfecto!  Wish us luck.

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